Best Elder Scrolls: Oblivion console commands on PC

May 2022 · 7 minute read

Players should use console commands in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to expand on the game’s mechanics and unlock new, fun features. So we’ve found the best ones to use on PC and put them in this handy guide.

Despite being a fair few years old now, Bethesda’s unbelievable RPG title is still one of the finest ever crafted. Oblivion took the Elder Scrolls series to new heights, and players still find themselves going back and replaying the adventure time and time again.

Even though Skyrim’s multiple rereleases have replaced Oblivion as the de facto Elder Scrolls title, Oblivion is still a classic. Skyrim has its own console commands, and so does Oblivion.

From enabling to God mode to changing how the world around you looks, Oblivion’s console commands provide a lot of freedom to customize the game.


Basic Oblivion console commands

Your first selection of console commands is full of very basic ones that can tinker with Oblivion’s moment-to-moment gameplay. These small manipulations of the game’s mechanics can make the world of difference and offer a completely different experience to what you’d find normally.

showsubtitleToggles NPC subtitles
taiToggle AI
tcaiToggle combat AI
tclToggle collision. If done with no target, toggles noclip on player.
pcbPurge cell buffer
tdetectToggle AI detection
tdtToggle debug text
tfcToggle freeflying camera
tfowToggle fog of war; entire local area map revealed.
tfhToggle full help
tgToggle grass
tgmToggles God Mode
thdToggle Heads up Picture in Picture
tlbToggle Lite Brite. This greatly brightens the world, and significantly improves performance.
tllToggle land LOD
tlvToggle leaves
tmToggles menus
tmgToggle Motion Guide
tmm <#>Toggle all map markers
1=Show 0=Hide
tsToggle sky
ttToggle trees; All trees turn invisible, but still clip.
twfToggle wireframe mode
twrToggle water radius
twsToggle water rendering

Targeted console commands

If you want to change how NPCs behave or act then targeted console commands are the perfect way of doing this. Find out all the different ways in which you change character behavior below.

activateActivate target
additem <BaseID> <qty>Adds item to inventory
disableDisables an object or NPC, removing it from the world.
enableEnables an object or NPC, bringing it back into the world.
removeitem <BaseID> <qty>Removes item from player character’s inventory
equipitem <BaseID> <NoUnequip>Force equips an Item, must be in target’s inventory.
NoUnEquip 1 prevents the item from being unequipped. 0 or leaving it blank will equip it with normal behavior.
removeallitemsRemoves all items from player character’s inventory
addspell <SpellCode>Adds spell to character’s spell list
removespell <SpellCode>Removes spell from character’s spell list
dispel <SpellCode>Dispels a specific magic effect from target. Works on enchantment effects affecting target.
dispelallspellsDispel all spell-based magic effects from target. Does not work on enchantment effects affecting target.
createfullactorcopyClones target actor. Warning: if you copy a follower and then disable them, the game will act as if they were still following you, thus not allowing you to recruit any more members of that faction until that clone is killed or sent away.
deletefullactorcopyDeletes a clone of the target actor
DuplicateAllItems <refID>Duplicates all items from the target container to the referenced container.
getav <attribute>Get value of attribute, <attribute> includes basic attributes (strength, intelligence, etc.), derived attributes (health, magicka, etc.), NPC-only attributes (aggression, responsibility, etc.), skills (blade, blunt, etc.), and various spell effects.
setav <attribute> <#>Sets value of attribute.
kill <victim>Kills actor; Specifying <victim> will assign credit for the kill (quest updates, bounty, etc.).
lock <#>Locks Target. <#> is the degree of complexity (1–99). 100 is unpickable/needs a key. No <#> will relock to the original level.
unlockUnlocks targeted object.
moddisposition <ID> <+/-#>Modify <target> disposition toward <ID> by <#>.
moveto <refID/location >Moves <target> to <refID> or <location>. e.g. moveto player
payfinePays character’s criminal fines
payfinethiefPays criminal fines without removing stolen items from inventory
placeatme <BaseID> <#>Spawns a new copy of object in front of player.
resurrect <#>Resurrects target actor; 1 will make the target get up instead of respawning, thus allowing them to keep their equipment. If a corpse has vanished already, it will also need to be enabled.
SetActorFullName <name>Sets actor’s name; <name> must be in quotes if it contains a space, e.g. “Jagar Tharn”
setcrimegold <#>Sets specified bounty on target
setlevel <#>Changes target’s level
SetOpenState <#>Changes the opened/closed/locked state of a door; 1 will unlock and, if possible, open any door. 0 will close a door, if possible.
SetOwnership <BaseID/FactionID>Changes ownership of targeted item; No <owner> flag = Player
stopcombatStops target combat
startcombatStarts target combat
startconversation <refID>, <topic parameter?>Starts NPC conversation. WARNING: Failed use may cause player to get stuck, NPCs to freeze, and random dialogue to play.

Quest console commands

If you want to fiddle around with Oblivion’s quests, making them easier or bypassing stuff altogether, then these will help you out.

completequest <qID>Completes quest.
caqsCompletes all quest stages.
GetStage <qID>Shows quest stage for <qID>.
player.completequest <qID>Removes quest from list. (Does not complete it. Will set any NPC following you for the quest to neutral. The NPC will follow, but not fight, and attack you if you hit them.)
ShowQuestTargetsShows active quests ID and stage.
SetStage <qID> <Stg>Advances <qID> to <stg>. Useful for bugged quests. (Increase the stage by 10.00 for each separate stage; 10.00 is accepted the quest.)
setquestobject <BaseID> <flag>Set Quest Object 1=Quest 0=NoQuest
showfullquestlog <qID>Shows all log entries for <Quest>.
showquestlogShow quest log.
showquestlog 0Show current quest log.
showquestlog 1Show completed quest log.
sqShow all quests and stage
sqtShow current quest
movetoqtTeleport to quest target.

Player console commands

Player console commands have a wide range of cool changes you can make. Regaining health, unlocking shouts and a ton of other character settings can be changed with these inputs.

advlevelForce a level up
advskill <skill> <#>Force a skill up # levels
player.setAV <Ability/attribute> <#>Change your current ability/attribute
player.setlevel <#>Change level to 1–255
SetPCFameSet fame
SetPCInfamySet infamy
SexChangeChange Gender
ShowRaceMenuChange race/face/sex/name
ShowBirthsignMenuChanges Birthsign
ShowClassMenuChanges Class
ShowEnchantmentEnchanting window
ShowSpellMakingSpell creation screen
swdpShows those detecting the player
modpca <attribute> <#>Adds # points to an attribute
modpcs <skill> <#>Adds # points to the skill
psbAdd all spells to player
addscriptpackage 0009E69BMakes the target a follower of Hero.
Setscale <#>Makes the target a certain size.

Misc. Oblivion console commands

Changing the in-game weather and FOV are two aspects of Oblivion that can be altered here. There are also another few handy instructions you can give the game such as “killing all enemies in the area.”

bat <filename>Executes the file with name <filename>
coc <location>Teleport to <location>(Center on Cell)
coe <X>,<Y>Teleport to exact <location> coordinates
enableplayercontrolsEnables player control during cinematic mode
fov <value>Changes the field of view of the player (0–180)
fw <ID>Forces specified weather conditions, without transitions
killallKills all creatures in loaded area
prid <refId>Picks reference (Console target) by ID
qqqExits the game without using menus
save <name>Save game; Tag 1 to save as [Name.ess.txt]
saveiniSave ini settings
showShows value of global variable
set <globalvar> to <value>Set Global Variable
setdebugtextSelects Debugging Info
set timescale to <#>sets the speed of how fast time advances in-game. Default=30 Realtime=1
ssgCreates a window with the full game scene graph
sw <ID>Set Weather
getgs <game setting>Get Game Setting
setgs <game setting> <value>Set Game Setting

For news on upcoming Bethesda RPGs, check out everything we know about The Elder Scrolls VI and Starfield.

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