CoD Vanguard players demand fix for packet bursts making game “unplayable”

August 2022 · 2 minute read

Call of Duty: Vanguard players are deeming the game unplayable and are demanding the devs to roll out a patch that fixes frustrating packet bursts. 

There have been a handful of issues that have plagued Vanguard since it was released. From overpowered fire grenades to the slow-progressing battle pass, players have been dealing out complaints to Sledgehammer Games.

While the devs have worked hard to put out fixes for some of these issues, they may want to look into packet bursts as players report they have been breaking the game for “the past few weeks.”

Vanguard players are complaining about server lag throughout every match.

Vanguard players want fix for packet bursts 

Lagging is not something that any Call of Duty player ever wants to deal with as it can put them at a disadvantage, and an issue that has been lurking since launch is getting worse.

In a Reddit post by ‘Total_Ad_2538’ the player has other fans trying to bring the issue of packet bursts to the dev’s attention as they claim “the game is actually unplayable.”

Packet burst from CODVanguard

Packet loss in Vanguard means that while in a game, people will randomly lag out and skip around the map for a few seconds. Players are reporting that this is occurring multiple times in every match.

One Redditor said, “Over the last few days the server connection has been horrendous. They should not be legally allowed to sell a game like this in this state.”

Other players are claiming that this has been an issue since beta and has gotten worse throughout the year. “Been like this for most people since launch. I doubt they’re ever going to fix it.”

This issue has been noted on the Vanguard Trello board since the game’s launch on November 5 but the problem still hasn’t been resolved and fans are fed up.
