start time, Shatter Dive, Whisper of Fissures nerfed, more

August 2022 · 6 minute read

The next Destiny 2 update, patch 3.0.2, has just been detailed as Bungie has revealed some major nerfs hitting Hunters and select Stasis abilities.

Since the release of Beyond Light, it’s undeniable just how much of an impact Stasis has had. The new power has more or less dominated PvP while remaining a popular pick for PvE setups as well.

However, with players finally sinking their teeth into Trials once again, Bungie feels it’s seen enough to step in and make some drastic changes. Specifically, Hunters have been hit quite hard by the latest update while various Stasis abilities have also being reined in.

After an early tease from Combat Area Lead Tomonori Kinoshita in the latest This Week at Bungie blog post, we now have the full patch notes to work with. Here’s everything there is to know.

Shatterdive won’t be causing headaches in PvP for too much longer.

In order to help with the current state of PvP, the devs had “been tracking data from Trials.” In doing so, they outlined both “short-term changes” and “mid-term goals” for Destiny 2.

First up, certain subclass abilities should no longer be instant-picks following the latest update. Shatter Dive and Whisper of Fissures have both been hit with nerfs in update 3.0.2.

For Shatter Dive to function properly, you’ll have to be within five meters of a target, as opposed to the whopping 50 meters in its earlier form. Moreover, it also comes with damage falloff and reduces less damage while casting the ability.

Hunter’s have been scaled back in the latest Destiny 2 update.

For the Whisper of Fissures Stasis Fragment, players will notice a significant nerf to its overall damage. Standard hits against an enemy have dipped from 42-22 damage to 30-4 damage. Therefore, the overall peak of this ability is considerably lower.

The same applies when hitting enemies in their super and it also has a slightly smaller range. Outside of these hefty nerfs, Bungie is also looking to “pull up underperforming” subclasses down the line for PvP to feel more balanced.

Whsiper of Fissures is just the tip of the iceberg in Stasis reworks for PvP.

Reducing the impact of abilities overall and regaining a focus on gunplay is a key mid-term goal for the developers. There’s no telling how far off we are from these bigger changes, however.

They won’t be deployed “at light speed,” Bungie confirmed. But rest assured, these changes are in the pipeline and will make their way to Destiny 2 in the near future. For now, you can get caught up on the 3.0.2 patch notes below.










