Warzone players want huge QOL change to come with Caldera & anti-cheat

February 2023 · 2 minute read

Warzone players are awaiting the arrival of the Pacific map Caldera and the anti-cheat, but with it they want a huge quality of life change that will reset stats.

With Season 1 of Warzone Pacific, the game will now have the RICOCHET anti-cheat put into effect.

This has the goal of eliminating cheaters from the game once and for all as Warzone has been plagued by them for quite some time.

With this in play and the new map, players want to see a huge change to stats as they prepare for Warzone and Vanguard integration.

Warzone players want stats to be reset when Season 1 of Vanguard drops with the new Caldera map.

Warzone players want stats reset with new map and anti-cheat

Caldera, Warzone Pacific’s new map is set to come on December 2 and with it comes the brand-new anti-cheat.

As this is going to change the game completely, some Warzone players are begging for Activision to reset everyone’s stats from the past two years as they feel things will play differently now.

Should stats reset with the new warzone map and anticheat?? from CODWarzone

Since there will be an anti-cheat, people are hopeful that this means hackers will disappear from the game. However, since there have been tons of cheaters, players want to see everyone’s stats get reset.

This would put everyone back on a level playing field when it comes to overall stats but, with this change it would mean others will lose nearly two years worth of stats.

Warzone players suggest adding a tab that players can filter to only view Caldera stats.

One person suggested that if this were to happen that the devs should add a tab where players can go back and check their old progress.

“If they do all the stats thus far should be compiled under a new tab in the barracks section labeled Map 1: Verdansk. This way we can always look back on how we did for 1.6 years,” the Redditor said.

While there is no confirmation this will happen when the new map drops, players are hopeful that there will be a way to track Warzone Pacific stats only as the anti-cheat is finally coming.
